Mural Program
If your business would like to have a mural or public art installation placed on private property, the City of McHenry would love to assist you. A public art committee has been formed that will review each application to be sure it meets the policy guidelines formed to respect individual creativity, rules established in our sign guidelines, and maintenance and upkeep of the designs. No murals are allowed in City Limits without going through the free application process and following the guidelines for murals and public art installations that protect and meet the needs of the City, the building owners, their tenants, and the artists while helping to beautify our city.
Use your imagination while envisioning samples of public art we hope to look forward to in the very near future – we have not placed creative restrictions or “themed” guidelines on the murals. It is up to the building or property owner to enter an agreement with an artist for a mural or public art installation and work together to submit an application. Murals can be painted, vinyl, tiled – as long as maintenance and upkeep are addressed for whichever media is chosen. Placement of murals is also not limited to the downtown districts but can be placed on any property in the City Limits.
The Policy, Requirements, and Application are available for download below. Please call or email if you are interested or have questions. We hope to maintain a list of business/property owners who want to commission a mural or public art installation, as well as a list of artists that are available and willing to be considered to perform the work. Working together we will continue to show McHenry’s heart throughout the City!
Download Important Documents Here
If you have questions or need more information, you can contact Dorothy in the Economic Development Department at 815-363-2175.